Saturday, May 29, 2010

Test run for the illuminated Cathedral Hotel

Cologne - One bright spot: Even the pretty Dom Hotel is to be illuminated at night.
"We are still in the testing phase," said hotel manager Jürgen Sziegoleit. In addition to the Neo-Baroque first reflectors were installed, the spotlight in different shades of white middle part of the facade.
"Thursday we will decide in what tone soon the entire building is lit up," said the hotel manager. We - including where the hotel owners and experts in the Rhein Energie. It must also be considered uniform Cologne lighting concept.
The dome may have about any harsh competition. That he is in the case of the Dom Hotel is not merely because it is a subtle emphasis on the bay and Roman columns gehe.Beim Kranhaus the town a band of light was too bright before, and it ordered: Lights out!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Michael Owen makes the wolves howl

Wolfsburg -
It's all over! VfL Wolfsburg is out of the premier class. Michael Owen, the super-striker from Manchester United, scored 3-1 for the English all had three hits and howling wolves.
VfL would have been dependent for progress on the aid of Sagittarius Besiktas Istanbul against CSKA Moscow. However, the Turks beat the Russian champions 1-2.
Wolfsburg thus remained behind Manchester Square and CSKA only three, the descent in Europe means the League. Competition will be held in succession in the UEFA Cup the Lower rise after the winter break in the Round of 32 which at the end of February and early March.
For the better with a B-team arrived guests of success, however, was very flattering, because the team was playing from the island without many injured strain forces - a total of 14 stars were missing - no accents.
With the exception of Owen - but after it hit the 1:2 Sascha Riether in injury time had the great opportunity to compensate, but he forgave. In return, saw Owen again for the final decision.
Also of Interest
4:1! Van Gaal cut Juve

Monday, May 17, 2010

Haribo Licorice losing the war against Katjes

Dusseldorf - decision in liquorice-war. The Bonn Haribo sweets producer may sell his "dropje" no longer in the previous bag.
The Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court confirmed that a ruling by the Landgericht Düsseldorf (EXPRESS reported>).
Reason for the court battle: the classic Haribo slogan "Haribo makes children happy and adults as well." Because of the high ammonia-share, the licorice-dropje are not suitable for children. Then was noted only in small print on the packaging, criticized the judge.
Haribo Katjes competitor had previously sought an injunction and the distortion of Bonn accused.
The two confectioners, arguing in court for years.
Also read: defeat for the thickness of Haribo> Haribo: Court victory against Katjes> Haribo Licorice loses dispute>

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Friend to hold suspected Hahnwald killers

Cologne - for a year sitting Hahnwald gardener in prison. And since Friday on the dock. Not alone: In addition Detlev W. (36) his partner Francesca L. (had to take 33) Square. To date, the co-defendants to keep the alleged murderer.
During the Detlev Hahnwald-millionaire Jutta Heimüller († 61) killed, according to prosecutor Francesca will be going to school and having their friends (a couple for eight years) put you on the list to give him an alibi for a parents' evening.
The charge of complicity in murder took Francesca, which is on the loose, like a blow. "I am convinced 100 percent that she is innocent," says lawyer Joachim Schmitz-Justen the EXPRESS.
Francesca L. has two children from a previous marriage. To Detlev W. had bothered to touching to his arrest. Therefore, the family has visited the accused in prison, often on Friday in court, they exchanged an affectionate caress.
Schmitz-Justen, who represents the gardener who expects a lengthy process evidence. And Francesca, his client refused to provide any testimony.
Investigators accused the lawyer, who according to the motto "The murderer is always the gardener" injected too quickly Detlev W.. A verdict is not expected for December. Some 50 witnesses were heard. Until recently, Detlev W. will hope to be acquitted for lack of evidence.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

British BB-Star publicly put to death

London - Jade Goody, British 'Big Brother' Star, hatihren public lost the battle against cancer on Sunday.
The dual 27Jahre old mother had died on Mother's Day in Britain inder Early in her home in north London, told ihrPublizist. She had cervical cancer.
   Goodys suffering some headlines for months. DieÖffentlichkeit could follow, turned out as her hair because derChemotherapie as it was weaker.
 On Monday hattendie tabloids even reported that the terminally ill have to live only nochwenige hours. "Jade's last hours," headlined the Daily Mirror. " The tabloid newspaper "The Sun" put into her mouth, she told her children "The angels call mom."
   Goody marketed their death in the media, to her two young sons in later life fund. "I've lived my life derKamera. And maybe I will die before the camera," she said. More than one million euros, it is said to have bislangeingenommen. Even Prime Minister Gordon Brown befürworteteihr projects.
   The father of her four sons and five years old she had married only vorwenigen weeks. That loosened the Justice Department dieAuflagen for the groom, who previously was in prison. War2002 Goody's `Big Brother 'house for the third season of the reality TV show and moved there because of racist Äußerungaufgefallen.