Thursday, April 29, 2010

I love booming bass Walls

On Friday it is finally over. The event, feverishly waiting for the electric fans. At 19:30 the clock "Time Warp" will open its doors. The trend techno festival of the year in Mannheim. With performances from Sven Vath, Carl Cox, Dave Clarke - and Loco Dice! The Düsseldorf-star DJ on Warp, Cube and visions.
How exactly did you come to the name Loco Dice? As a child I was always so mad dice, the rest has to be revealed, according to my crazy actions.
What does it mean for you to hang up on the Time Warp? "It is an honor for me to be allowed to hang there. For me, the most important event this year.
In what genre you specialize you? "I do not have a fixed direction, but if something between House and less hard techno. I love booming bass walls.
Where you care about most? The countries of Germany and Italy are my favorites.
How many guests are expected at the Time Warp? "Uhhhh, since you ask me now what. I do not know, but it is always sold out. The organizers usually speak of some 20,000 people.
Have you already placed more on the Time Warp? "Yes, for three or four times. The last year I even have the official mix CD made the Time Warp.
Since when do you care about know? Since 1992nd
In your free time, what you hear then on you because you like? Actually querbeet, but mostly hip-hop and jazz.
Did you play other than electronic music already different? I started with hip-hop, R'n'B and funk.
The complete line-up of the Time Warp, and there's more on

Friday, April 23, 2010

Real offers Schuster Contract for Life

Madrid - Bernd Schuster waving at the Spanish football champions Real Madrid, a contract for life. This proposal said Real president Ramon Calderon on Spanish state television TVE.
 I would be thrilled if I could extend Schuster for life, "Calderon said effusively, adding," It is important that a coach is working for many years at a club. Schuster is with us to initiate an era. "
Schuster, who took the summer to succeed Fabio Capello, has a contract with the Royal in 2010. With Schuster as coach of the defending champion leads by nine points ahead confidently to the table of the Spanish Primera Division and is in the knockout stages of the Champions League.
But that Schuster is not satisfied yet. He has more prior to Madrid. The sports newspaper Marca, he now said: "I have a detailed plan to do better, Real, piece by piece. Now we are in the first phase. In the Champions League you could certainly see where our limits are up to date. These limits, we want to move, we want to be next season even more dominant in the Champions League. "
On the way to the championship, he does not see the cut-off runner-up as a problem, but only their own players, because: "We are in the league is our only rival. We lose our advantage only if we slow. Otherwise no one will take us back. "
Meanwhile the three-time World Footballer Zinedine Zidane engagement in the youth sector Reals aims. The 35-year-old Frenchman, who finished his career in 2006, met earlier this week for initial talks with Calderon. "Real is still my home," said Zidane, who lives in a Madrid suburb. Zidane also raves about Schuster: "With him, Real win the Champions League."

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Tractor races in nursery group

Aachen - Irresponsible maneuver a tractor driver in fire-wood in Aachen: On a twisty road, he sped toward a group of kindergarten children.
The shocked teachers (45 and 58) reacted with lightning speed, threw some kids in the ditch to save her. The Trekker drivers raced on the children over and simply.
"While we were glad to have saved our lives and those of children, drove the tractor driver continued with undiminished speed," said one of the teachers at the police.
The children were unhurt, fortunately, only one girl was in pain after being thrown into stinging nettles. The police have launched an investigation into alleged assault and dangerous driving.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

CDU lost heavily but still the strongest party

Flashed Cologne - Cologne When the first results on the evening on the wall of City Hall Piazetta knew the politicians of the CDU and the SPD was not long, as they have to interpret. While cheering the smaller parties, was popular with the big collective shrug.
The CDU has lost in Cologne for the 2004 European vigorously with 6.3 percent, but remains the strongest party.
Thus, the EU ran-election nationwide - Click HERE>
The SPD limbo as to himself, falls at the end of election night with a slight loss of 22.54 percent return even after the Green Party (23.19 percent): only a third force.
Votes for election here>
What conclusions can be so on the municipal election in twelve weeks?
Again, this election showed that there apparently is no "political camp" at the time is not enough for a majority: together for the CDU and the FDP, nor for the SPD and the Greens. "With us together but it can be something."
That message sent a good-humored Jörg Detjen, leader of the Left Party, to the address of red-green.
Then wanted to SPD chief Jochen Ott did not even get involved: "We will succeed in the local elections to mobilize our people and to grow significantly." He's the red and green mints result of the European to the mayoral elections on 30 August at: "Juergen Roters have therefore a majority."
Roters' rival, the CDU is Peter Kurth. But sitting on a plane to Berlin, Cologne, when the first projections came. Landed there, he commented:
"The SPD has been run for Cologne a devastating result. The Union has gone through a deep valley in Cologne, but she just puts too powerful - even if it has lost in comparison to the 2004 European elections. I see the municipal and mayoral Chief among these signs meet joyfully. "
His red-green opponent Juergen Roters is likely to be nervous and frightened. Rather abandoned by the Red and Green in the City Hall, he noted: "The FDP is benefiting from the weakness of the CDU. Red-Green comes into the vicinity of an absolute majority. "Overall, 45.73 percent but not enough for that.
And if the Greens continue to remain stronger than the SPD, they will not be too put off with the post of city treasurer.
Mayor Fritz Schramma (CDU), who is going to vote no again, followed the projections with ever widening grin: "If the SPD have miscalculated in the end ...?"

Monday, April 5, 2010

This is where the President

Dear FC fans, the birthday of my club for me is something very special. 60 years 1st FC Cologne: I am very pleased and proud to witness many of these years to be allowed. Although we currently devote all our strength and full attention to the rise, it is a big day for us all. Although we do not celebrate the day of large outwardly, but for all FCER it is deep in their hearts a day that all of us once again shows clearly what a great history, tradition, but also an obligation of the 1st FC Cologne has.
I have, "thanks to my" FC too, and am always remained faithful to him so well, first as a player in 409 games from 1963 to 1977, then as a member of the Board since 2004 and finally as president.
The history of the 1st FC Cologne is a long and glorious. But one person I would like again to highlight: our first president Franz Kremer. We all have to FC it so much to thank. The "Boss" It was brought in 1948 as the first president of the FC on the road. He then asked the legendary question: "Do you want me to be German champions?" That was the beginning of an unparalleled success story in German football. Kremer was a visionary and ahead of its time. He is due to that the club can now look back on such a long and successful tradition.
Only 14 years after its founding, the FC was the first time champion. That was in 1962. And two years later we were in my first season as a player, even in the newly established Champions League. The FC was once a pioneer in German football. Even today, I am often asked about these great times. The FC has been a worldwide concept, we have been successful internationally and placed many players in the 60s, 70s, 80s and even the 90-ies for the national team early.
This tradition is, I feel even today, when I walk into the stadium. The tradition of FC is lived and experienced emotion. And I think in any other city, and only with our fantastic fans is as possible as here in Cologne. Also this makes the FC unique. Certainly, our audience figures reflect what the FC mean for the people here in Cologne. The support of the fans in Cologne and Germany is unique and first class. I am very grateful that I am also proud of! We want to give the ordinary people something. And just because we want to go back first in the league. I think we have a good team that has everything to do it. I have full confidence in our players and our coach Christoph Daum. We all want a successful anniversary year - hopefully, crowned with the rise in May. It is my greatest wish for the FC, the fans and for Cologne.
Your Wolfgang Overath